Monday, June 28, 2010

Crazy life and Glee!

My Life:
Today has been utterly stressful.
First off, work. I work with a team of two other reporters, plus our supervisor. We're in charge of writing some newspaper articles, taking photographs, doing interviews, making some newsletters, and also a DVD project.
Anyway, we had to travel last week to take some photos at another site an hour away. I don't mean like scenery photos, it's photos of actual people, working.
We each have our own laptop to work at, but shortly after starting I managed to wipe my system and replace Windows XP with Windows 7. It's still being worked on.....
We all have one folder that we keep everything in, which is like a sharing folder.
A sharing folder means that multiple computers have access to everything in it. I don't know how many people in the building have access to it, but it may be all the computers.
Anyway, one of the team accidentally deleted a chunk of photos. By a chunk, I actually mean all of them. All the photos that we spent three days last week taking. Gone. Oh, yes, we checked the Recycle Bin. But since they were in the certain type of sharing folder, they weren't in the computers Recycle Bin. So, the supervisor called tech support or whoever, who actually has access to the Recycle Bin for the sharing folder, but we don't. He said there were no files there, so the files must have just been moved.
So, we spent many hours trying to find these missing photos. We never found them.
We can't retake the photos, and they are somewhat important to the project we're working on. What we'll do, I am not sure. Luckily, the person who did it didn't have a mental breakdown. I might've cried right there.
More happened today that added to my stress, but let's move on to the Wicked section of today's post.

Anyone who has seen Glee knows that Kristin Chenoweth made appearances in a two episodes in the first season. If you haven't seen Glee, it is a pretty good show, but not for kids. I call it, "realistic High School Musical". Lots of singing, lots of drama. Well, Kristin has two songs on the 1st soundtrack, Alone and Maybe This Time. You can listen to the entire (Volume 1) soundtrack in the playlist below. Okay, so the Wicked part of today is short, but I am stressed out still. -_- (There might be a report on Season 2 later on if I finish it. Season 2 had Kristin again, and also Idina Menzel.)

Music Playlist at

"It sound truly crazy. And true, the vision's hazy."


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